Archives for August 2024

The Pen is No Longer Mightier: Freedom Eluding Freedom of Speech

By: Hruy Tsegaye

In Defense of the Undefendable: What is the Price of Freedom of Speech?

Is freedom of speech a human right? Is it an inalienable right? As someone from Ethiopia, I deeply understand the value of freedom of speech. A simple critique of my government, religious groups, or of certain rich people in my country can lead to a knock at my door in the dead of night. The chilling thought that my words could provoke an arrest – or worse, a violent end – haunts me as I pen this. In a world where dissent is silenced, I tread carefully, even though I know the truth must be communicated. I often remain silent cowering just to see tomorrow. This has been true for my grandfather, my father, and perhaps for my children. Unfortunately, speech has rarely been truly free throughout the history of humankind, at least from the advent of written language onwards.

For me, freedom of speech is the ultimate human right, and I believe there should be no restrictions on it.

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